Swedish Rules Of Tablehockey
Participant-Person that are practicing Table Hockey.
Player-Player on the rink, goalcage, sideboard and the short end plexi,
but not the goalkeeper.
Goal-When the hole puck is staying in the goal, behind the goalline.
Push-When a player is being moved in the direction of its trail aiming
to push the puck.
Reach-The total area along the trail, within which a player is able to
touch the puck.
Interruption of a game-When something temporarily interrupts the game,
i.e. the puck leaves the rink, the puck comes
back after rebouncing on something beside the rink, a goal is scored, another
puck or any other object comes onto the
rink, the Table Hockey game or part of it is gliding off the table, something
breaks that can be fixed(i.e. a player).
- Time of a match
The time of a match is five minutes, ineffective time.
- Start of a match
The match starts on a given signal with the puck laying on the center face-off
spot and both the centers on their own side of the game.
- Three-second-rule
A goal that is scored within three seconds from the start of a game or face-off
is not valid. If the puck has been inside the reach of the center all of the
time, until it enters the goalcircle, on its way into the goal, the goal is
not valid even
if its scored after three seconds.
- Five-second-rule
After the puck is reachable, the participant is obligated to do something
constuctive within five seconds.
- Face-off
At face-off the centers are to be on their own side of the game, standing
The puck is to be held above the center face-off spot, with either flatside
towards the ice, some centimeters above
the centers heads, well visible to the participants, and is to be dropped
A puck that is dropped into goal is to be removed before face-off.
You have the right to perform the face-off if you have dropped a puck into
goal or if the opponent has shot the puck
off the rink.
You have the right to demand a new face-off if your opponent is careless performing
If the puck ends up on your own goalline, you have the right to say "Block"
and perform a face-off.
After interruption of a game it is started again by face-off. except when
one of the participants have had obvious
control of the puck - then it starts from that position. At such a start of
a game you have to make sure that your opponent is ready.
At and during "sudden-death" all face-offs are to be performed by a neutral
- Goal
If a player or a goalkeeper breaks when a goal is scored, it is valid. Any
kind of goal scored by steering is valid.
If the puck at any time has been laying still at the center after a pass from
the right defender/goalkeeper and has
been inside the reach of the center and/or the right defender all of the time,
until it enters the goalcircle, on its way
into the goal, the goal is not valid.
A shot directly into the goal or via the goalkeeper, by push on a puck laying
stillis not allowed with any of the players feet.
Goal scored at the same time as the endsignal is not valid.
- Ruledispute
If the participants disagree about anything during the match thay can say
"Ruledispute" to their opponent. This
means that you will finnish the dispute after the game, if necessary.
- Pressing down players
You should only press down players when having control of the puck. If else,
it is to be done without effecting your opponents possibility to play.
- Interruption of a match
A match is interrupted to be replayed if the Table Hockey game is damaged
and can not immediately be repaired or replaced.
- Replay
At replay after interruption of a match the participants are keeping scored